no leaf featured

No Leaf Is Perfect

Eran Hornick is inspired by Shai Afsai’s poem ‘Forty-four’. In June of last year, my friend Dan and I drove to Maine to hike the renowned Mahoosuc Notch. It is famed by some to be ‘the hardest mile of the AT’ — the Appalachian Trail — and since it was within a four hours’ drive […]

billion featured

Billion-Dollar Bullshit

Nathan Abrams reviews a new documentary film about Jewish entrepreneur Adam Neumann and his co-working startup, WeWork. The billion-dollar start-up, WeWork, founded by Jewish entrepreneur Adam Neumann, which I wrote about here has been inspiring some interest of late. First, there was a book, then a podcast and now there is a documentary film with another book and even a television series based on […]

holocaust art feature

Art in the Shadow of Death

Caroline Slifkin describes her work teaching Holocaust Arts to Ashton Sixth Form College (Stamford Park Trust). I first started working with Ashton Sixth Form College (Stamford Park Trust) in 2006. It was one of the 10 schools and colleges for my Imperial War Museum London Fellowship in Holocaust Education, Holocaust Arts project, ’Art in the […]

gustav art feature

The Auto-Destructive-Creative World of Gustav Metzger

Gloria Tessler looks back at the work of Gustav Metzger, the subject of a forthcoming retrospective. If you get down on your hands and knees and crawl on the ground beneath the yellow-star-coloured cover, you can touch an enlarged photograph of Jews forced to scrub the pavements of Vienna clean. The figures are larger than […]

peace featured

Peace under fire

Dana Mills reports on her experiences working for Peace Now in Israel while under fire from Gazan rockets There is never a more urgent time to be a peace activist during a war. However, working for peace and to end the occupation under fire brings to light all the challenges and contradictions that this path […]

pointless featured


Loolwa Khazzoom shares the story behind ‘Pointless’ a new song on her band’s debut album, Iraqis in Pajamas (June 4 release). The BackstoryThe world knows little or nothing about indigenous Middle Eastern Jews, like my family, who lived on the land of Iraq for 1300 years before the Arab Muslim conquest of the region. My family lived on […]

not featured

Not in My Name?

Dan Rickman It is impossible to watch the news from Israel/Palestine just now without tears in one’s eyes, wherever your sympathies lie. And whilst the conflict with Hamas is sadly all too familiar, the sort of mob violence inside Israel itself is shocking and something new, or at least something which recalls the early days […]

2 roth featured

The Poisoned Chalice

David Brauner contemplates the problems of writing a literary biography of Philip Roth. First, we had the previews of the Philip Roth biography by Blake Bailey (reviewed for JewThink by Donald Weber) – notably Joshua Cohen, assuming the voice of the dead Roth (a trick Tim Parrish had pulled off with more wit and elan […]

am featured

Am Yisrael Chai: In Support of Israel and Zionism

Jayden Jasper-Lee Martin expresses his passion for the achievements of Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish people, to which he seeks to lend his voice to support. In recent years the social and political Left’s preoccupation with denouncing Israel and its increasing support of the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement has proven particularly infelicitous, for the […]

featured hitch

Hitchcock’s Jews

Nathan Abrams reviews a new biography of the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock was not Jewish. Nor does the author of a new biography claim him to be. But as a colossus who bestrode the film industry between 1927 and 1976, spanning the silent era, the talkies, black and white, colour, 3D, expressionism, […]

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